Since the heart doctors have told me I cannot have surgery on my back to correct the bad discs and pinched nerves, I had to do something to try and give me some relief from the pain so I can exercise to strengthen my heart.
Whether it really works or not, or whether it will work on me, I have no idea, but I’ll try anything to lessen this pain I live with every day. I have personally visited with a couple of people who swear they have been helped by it. The outcome of my trials remains to be seen.
It has gotten to the place where I can hardly walk at all, so if it provides any improvement, no matter how small, it will be a blessing.
The dr. has to go over several of my MRI’s, CT’s & X-rays, and then he will set up the program. It will consist of a series of treatments 4 days per week, for 5 weeks…..or if I can tolerate it, we may try 5 days a week. I would like to finish before we go on vacation about the 12th of July. He will have the pictures in his office tomorrow, then we’ll set an appointment to get started.
I have not been able to resume any type of exercise to strengthen my heart because of my back, and since I am on blood thinners and other medicines for my heart any invasive surgery is impossible….. so if nothing else I hope it will at least make life bearable until I am able to have surgery.
Finally reaching the point where I feel like fighting again, I am willing to do whatever it takes…..there is always so much more, even when you think you’ve reached the end of the road……you just have to keep searching and experimenting. I’ll keep ya posted on how it goes.
Hi Tarzan,
I am so glad your back to bloggin. I love the verse at the beginning of this post. I am however sorry to read of your on going pain. Sometimes life's trials drag on and on. Like my Dad used to say "Sometimes life's a sewer sandwich with no bread." I pray that this fancy dancy machine is you the answer to back pain.
Hey, Girl! I'm glad to see you're back! My husband, in his younger days suffered from what you are, and he had a pair of "bat boots." He would hang upside down from these boots on his feet (something he could NOT do now that he's older). Believe it or not, it did exactly what the machine you've described does...and he had NO pain whatsoever for many years.
He still has never been in as much pain as he had before he started in with those bat boots!
Chin up!
Hi Tarzan,
" I am willing to do whatever it takes"
That alone will carry you far.
good luck with the next experiment. that's sort of what it takes - a willingness to keep on experimenting - you are your own mad scientist in the laboratory! Good luck Dr. Frankenstein.
Wishing you some space and relief in those discs!
That looks like a serious piece of equipment. I didn't know your back was so bad. I swear, nothing takes it out of you like living in contstant, unrelenting pain. I'll be curious to see what the dr says, and if you can try the treatment. If it helps, it's definitely worth it. Is this something you would have to do periodically to maintain improvement, or is it really a fix for you? Keep us posted...our prayers are always with you. XOXO
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