It’s always a surprise to me when I realize I need some time away from myself to take care of the rest of the world, and that’s what’s been going on for the past few weeks since I last posted.So many issues had worked themselves into my life, I have been spending hours taking care of those and in order to absorb them all, I had to walk away from me for a while. The lists of busy things have been checked off and, I’ve handled all that was needed to satisfy their requirements then last night I met me again.
This “me” I reconnected with was a pleasant meeting…… I’m still running about par for the course and none the worse for wear, though still a bit overwhelmed with all that goes on in the basics of life. I look at those with great admiration who are able to handle it all, or those who choose to stay detached and keep their lives simple. I have always wished I were that way.
Alas, the list of things that needed my attention had to be taken care of or I would never be able to meet me again. The list doesn’t seem like much when I write it down but each of the following has multi facets to it requiring a complete jumbled mess in my mind that had to be straightened out before I could continue with life.
The Gulf oil spill was and is taking up a lot of my time. I’ve been reading “the oil drum” web site as often as possible as it’s a great place to sort out fact from fiction. There are so many levels to that study alone, industry impact, political, the technological aspects of the gusher itself, the problems with working 5,000 ft. under the sea, the clean up efforts and the potential damage it will do to the coast line. Not to mention the theories on why it happened and what could happen with a worst case scenario. Though I now have a better idea of all that, it remains a priority with me but it is easier to come to grips with the more I understand it.
The Business…..With the kids taking turns for vacation time, sweet thang and I have been making ourselves available to help out when needed so they can have some time away from the daily grind…. I’ve not been needed much but regardless my mind is always on standby.
Plans for a year from now….. We will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in June of 2011. The kids have been after us to decide how we want to acknowledge this event. We’ve were told that if we choose to invite others and have it at a facility, we need to reserve a place now because of it being on a Saturday and a very popular date for weddings. All of that plus looking at many other options, deciding which way we wanted to go, looking at a number of locations, choosing a place and booking it. That done, started a chain of swirling decisions in my mind as far as guests list, centerpieces, food choices, decorations, etc. etc. etc….. and a book full of things that will need done before now and then.
Also, less than a year away in March of 2011 is a trip that sweet thang and I have already planned for just ourselves. This has called for even more planning and lists of things to get done before then.
A Reunion….. I already have two notebooks full of lists going for both of those events then I got a call from an old classmate needing help and ideas for my 50th class reunion, so notebook #3 was started with ideas & requirements on how to entertain 25 senior citizens who are making an effort to celebrate being out of high school for 50 years. This will be fun to plan, but no easy task….
Others……In the midst of all the above, I have been worried about some particular friends…. One who may be facing a return of her cancer and one whose husband just lost his job and our friends who live in the gulf and are dealing with a ton of stress regarding the oil spill.
Knowing that this summer will speed by and fall will be arriving quickly which brings the holidays, then before we know it 2011 will have arrived! That has thrown us into high gear trying to get as many basic details taken care of now.
Then last night we were invited to a back yard barbecue. We finally laid all the above aside for a few hours and enjoyed an evening out. I took time to allow myself a reintroduction to myself and a few moments to reflect on where everything stands now and how I can proceed with life…….. It was an interesting little break in the action…… Stay tuned........
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