If your car is sick you take it to the mechanic. Granted, there are good mechanics and bad mechanics, and hopefully you’ll get a good one. They even have computers these days to hook up to the car to help find the problem. Engines and other working parts have become so complicated it’s nearly impossible to fix them at home. It’s everyone’s dream to find a mechanic they can trust....someone who cares about making the sick car well again, someone who will explain the problem to us, and has the ability and training to make it right again. You have to be able to trust your mechanic. That’s not always easy, but it’s always necessary. Most folks will take it in for regular maintenance, and/or if there is a problem. I don’t know anyone who just drives their vehicles until they quit running.
If you have a sick tree in your yard you call a horticulturist.
If your TV goes whacko you call a TV repairman.
If your refrigerator quits you call an appliance repairman.
When your computer quits you take it to the shop and pray they can preserve your data.
All the above are professionals trained to fix the problems. We’re always hesitant to turn any of the above over to someone else, but we have to TRUST if we need help from any of them. Even if the hard drive on your computer quits, sometimes they can retrieve the data and sometimes it just means learning to live without some of it.
Why then do we refuse to trust the medical professionals? If a doctor tells us we need to exercise, why do we look for reasons not to? The same with eating healthier, taking medicines, undergoing tests, treatments, surgeries, or anything else a doctor might recommend.
Why can we not trust doctors? Sure there are a few bad apples in the bunch, but for the most part they are professionals who have been highly trained in the mechanics of our bodies. They are not there to hurt us, they are there to help us, and by not trusting what they say or recommend we are turning our backs on feeling better and living longer.
Of course there comes a time when something simply cannot be fixed and we have to learn to live with it broken or get a new one, or do whatever we can to improve the situation. Sometimes that means driving with a rattle or a window that won’t roll down, or a fridge that runs night and day, or a tree that has gangly limbs, or a TV with a messed up picture. Sometimes it’s legs that have been damaged in order to save your life, sometimes it’s something you were born with, and sometimes, God just has another plan.
Sometimes - it’s just a matter of giving in and trusting....... Trusting that even though it might hurt, and it might take some time, in the end you can be helped if you are willing to trust.
Pastor reminded us this morning that “God always has another move left” Yep, when everyone thought he was nailed to the cross and finished, he had yet another surprise for us.
If I would have had a choice during my heart attack, and known ahead of time, I may not have felt comfortable or trusted the doctors to do everything that was done to me. Thank goodness I wasn’t making the decisions then. What makes me think I have to make the decisions now? All I have to do is listen to my heart, keep reaching out, and trust those who can help me.
God works through the car mechanics, the appliance repairers, the TV repairers, the tree doctors and the people doctors....... It’s up to us to learn to trust the professionals, and it’s up to us to spread that trust, and it's up to us to help ourselves through whatever means is available to us.
Just wanted to say Welcome Home!
Sylv, I've been wanting to write you, only been home a few days and have been so busy...... I'll get a note off to you soon.....
"Sometimes - it’s just a matter of giving in and trusting..."
Yep. Not an easy one for those of us who like to be in control.
Five years ago I walked up to the emergency room doors at 4 a.m., stopped before they automatically opened and consciously knew I was about to board 'the ride of a lifetime' and knew I had no choice but to surrender.
Heh. Sometimes it works out! Guess I don't HAVE TO always be in control!
ps: Hey Sylv ~ forgot to send you a hug and a 'hey'.
ep; When you know you've done everything you can and have checked out all the options, it's time to turn it over to someone else. It can be a relief in ways.....sometimes a nightmare, but nevertheless it's something. When all else fails, let others try.......
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