I can set at home alone……..or
I can go somewhere and hold the hand of someone else who was alone.
I can set inside and complain about the snow…….or
I can go outside and be thankful for it's moisture..
I can sit and count my problems……..or
I can look around and see other’s who have it worse.
I can complain because my finger was stuck by a thorn……..or
I can see the beauty of the rose.
I can continue to be without hope……..or
I can ask for help.
I can be over stressed with too much to do……..or
I can let some of it go.
I can dwell in my sorrow and pain………or
I can count my blessings.
I can give into my weakness……..or
I can seek strength.
I can complain that life is too hard…….or
I can look for ways to make it easier.
I can appear sad or mad to others……..or
I can spread a smile.
I can stay in the dark……..or
I can search for light.
I can choose to let my problems overtake me……..or
I can choose to overtake my problems.
It it my choice.
I can turn away.......I can receive.......I can give in return
I choose life.
1 comment:
You know what?
You are amazing.
You are.
God has given you an incredible gift of expression in writing!
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