Christmas has passed for another year......whew!
It’s almost like they need to declare ”the week after Christmas” a holiday of it’s own! I know without being told, that everyone of you are suffering the same hangover I feel, of too much rich food, a messy house, chores all around, things waiting to be put away, not enough sleep, and it’s back to work for many of you with the demands of your jobs.
You can almost feel the house take a big sigh of relief as the last of the holiday company pulls out of the driveway. As I look around, the sheets need changed on the guest room bed, the tree needs taken down with all the ornaments put away for another year. Little bits of paper need picked up from the floor, other laundry to get caught up on, boxes of “stuff” that need put somewhere, and probably some additional jobs waiting on you.
With several having been in the kitchen helping, I’m sure I’ll find a few items from the last load of the dishwasher in places they’ve never been before, (some may never be found), and a few left over’s in the fridge that probably just need pitched. What does one do with one partially eaten cheese ball, and two pieces of stuffed celery that has turned to mush, and the last 4 tablespoons of the jello salad turning to water cradled in the bottom of the oversized bowl… Total chaos inside the fridge and everywhere else….
And what a wonderful chaos it truly is! The mess around me shows that the house was filled with love and activity, as was our hearts. How special this Christmas was to our family. We did have another chance to say Happy Birthday Jesus, and are looking forward to making beautiful memories to fill the new year coming. Now if I can just find my shoes!
But first things first……. I just set down, and am sampling one of the Ghirardellli chocolates filled with creamy mint flavored white chocolate that was left for me under the tree, and I think I’ll just look thru the stack of cards we’ve received…… oooooohhhh there’s another chocolate filled with caramel……..
Oh Amen...a woman after my own heart. Here I sit in my pile of Holiday rubble...eating candy I don't need and trying to remember how I packed the boxes last year so everything fits back in.
It's nice to know I'm not alone in my mayhem. Many blessing to you.
Ahahahaaa....I agree with Sissie! My solotion is to leave the Christmas stuff up until January 30th. Heh heh heh ... works pretty well ya know.
And I'm savoring a piece of delicious carmel as I write this....
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