You may have wondered what in the world I’m doing writing about “voices” here at the Christmas season and whatever brought that to mind. Well, here’s the deal….. If ever it would be nice to be comfortable about speaking to others, it’s now.
I went to a “cookie exchange” yesterday. Held at a friend’s house, we were to bring one dozen of our favorite cookies to exchange with others there, then 3 doz. more to fill boxes that would be taken to shelters, shut in’s etc. There were only two there I had met before and the rest were strangers. As happens when a group of gals get together, everyone was visiting about what they’re doing for the holidays, all of the projects they’re all involved in, needs in our community, recipes, etc. Some were telling about some of their memorable Christmas’s past. I set quietly and just listened. Then, the hostess ask me if I minded her telling a little bit about what I went thru last year… Thinking I should NOT jump up and run out the door, I mumbled, “no that’s fine”. She gave a quick rundown, then ended by saying: “We’re so lucky to have her here with us today”. Well then came the questions. I don’t mind talking about it, I just mind talking period! I was able to share that looking for positives had been a great healing tool for me, but feeling a little self conscious, I was not able to converse what all I really wanted to say. I could have said so much more than I did. Some acted like they wanted to know more, but was nervous about asking.
In fact, this is not the first time this has happened, this summer was hard at the various family and class reunions we attended, because so many ask questions… They were all polite about it, and very sincere, and I know it’s because they really do care. I always just feel strange because I don’t want to bore people by saying too much, and I don’t want to appear rude by not saying enough.
One lady at the party actually said she wished I would give a “testimony” at church… I just pleasantly smiled and thought “oh yeah, sure, me? Ha!”
When I deliver my trays of candy to the EMT workers and the Helicopter crew, I know I’m going to have to go in and say Merry Christmas and thank them, and I know it’s going to be a hard thing to do… Not so much because of my emotions, but just because I don’t want to sound like a babbling idiot. I’m afraid of making them wonder why they bothered!.... I don’t suppose it would be nice to just throw it in the door and run back out to the car….
Also, I love Christmas carols and love to sing them, but alas, the only ones who hear them are me and the “conch shell” I have on the shelf in my shower. I think caroling would be such a fun thing to do but we never take part because neither of us sound good enough to join in…
Anyway…you get the idea
Any “public speakers” out there with tips on how to be comfortable enough in your own skin that you are able to share your voices and words in front of others?
Hello, dear girl! I sing, speak and act in front of people I don't know, and some whom I do, almost all year long.
Every time I go before the mike, or onstage I am a basket case.
I remember the first time I spoke with my mother. We stood there together and shook.
I still shake...I am painfully shy inside, and it is agony for me to be in front of people.
BUT GOD. It is like Jeroboham in the Bible. A king who was threatened by an enemy, who gathered his entire nation, read the threatening letter and then they all prayed.
God said, prepare for war. But I shall go before you. They prepared--and when they got there, GOD did the rest.
Before I go onstage, I pray, then I prepare myself like mad.
When acting, I often read through a script I know by heart, I read and recite the lines to myself, five times or more before a performance.
When I'm singing, I rehearse and rehearse ahead of time.
When I speak, I write out every word I'm going to say verbatim. I read it outloud. Then I look at whatn I've written on the computer. I rewrite it--which tends to cement what I'm going to say in my mind.
Then I read what I'm going to say to my husband. Then I read it to myself.
Just before I step onto the stage for a performance, solo, or speaking engagement, I close my eyes. I say, "God, here I am. Use me. To Your glory. Nothing of me--let them see You.
And then we go out there together.
If God wants you to do something--the trick is to recognize when He is telling you that is what He wants to do.
The best gage for that is not only to be asked--but it is the pounding of fear in one's ears. It is the knowledge that you can't do what you are being asked--without supernatural help.
So, there you have it.
God bless you, dear girl--and be sure to let me know what God does through you.
Prepare yourself. Step through the fear. Breathe deeply of His Spirit and trust Him to do the rest.
God bless you! I wonder what God is going to accomplish through YOU?
Beth....Thank you so much for your comments, you have given me a new awaking!
Oooh, dear one--I'm so honored to encourage you. You are VERY special.
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