The Search

Of everything
There is so much more than a name
There is so much more than an age
There is so much more than what you see
There is so much more beyond me

Sunday, September 12, 2010

There is Always a Way

He Jumped the Pot!

There are some things you just cannot control.......this little petunia is one of them. Evidently he didn’t like where he had been planted so with the help of who knows what, wind, a stray seed, a broken root or God’s hand, he got out of the pot and did his own thing.....

We have cracks in our sandstone patio that is filled only with sand and cement. This little guy didn’t seem to care and what a story he has to tell.

Who needs or gets the perfect well nourished soil to grow in? It’s there, but he chose the harder way. Maybe just didn’t like the conditions he was living in and searched for something better? Maybe it’s because it’s a little more exciting, or he knew it would strengthen him if he chose another route regardless of it’s challenges.

His tiny roots had to struggle as they took hold, dug in deep, and then put out stems to reach for the sun.

He took nourishment where he could get it.

Had I been here to give him advice I’d told him not to even try because it appeared impossible. I’d have said “no, don’t go there it will never work, it will be too hard on you”. But we were gone and I didn’t have a chance to put him back in the pot where his life would be safer, so he did it anyway..........

And look at him now........growing with beautiful blossoms and brightness to warm the world. I’m sure it hurt at first, but he withstood the pain, overcame whatever obstacles he met, conquered his fear, and instead, put his energy into making himself stronger. Not only did he grow but he is thriving into a beautiful boquet to give others beauty.

He is making the best of a quite unrealistic situation. By all reasonable scenarios, he should not be living, let alone blooming.

He is finding his way thru the most inconceivable life one can imagine

He searched for and found a way to survive and found a way to live after all

He planted himself in the middle of nothing and found something

Even though he came through a tiny minuscule crack with everything against him, totally impractical, he took a risk, and found a way......He found his way, he found HIS way.......

And look at him now - Look what he accomplished - Look at what he is.

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. ~Vincent Van Gogh


el poquito said...

; )

and the 'word verification' for me to post here says it all: "likey"

Hope your wandering flower spreads its pink to you and you feel as 'in the pink' and wild - leaping beyond bounds!

Mary said...

Thanks ep; as you know the message is coming at me from all directions.... :)

Four peas in a pod said...

That is just so incredibly awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well, Mary!


Four peas in a pod said...

That is just so incredibly awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well, Mary!


Four peas in a pod said...

Sorry for the repeat!

Mary said...

Hi Lori...!!! So good to have you drop by, this really is awesome isn't it. He is growing right outside my door so I see him every time I go outside and what an example he is to all of us. Yet another reminder of survival against the odds. Hope everything is well with you......

el poquito said...

Hope life is sprouting beyond its bounds - that you're pushing through the little, tiny cracks and spaces. xo