The Search

Of everything
There is so much more than a name
There is so much more than an age
There is so much more than what you see
There is so much more beyond me

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael's Dead, and Elvis is Still out of The Building....

June 25th, 2009, and August 16th, 1977…two dates forever etched in the minds of Rock & Rollers around the world.

As the news of Michael Jackson’s death was released yesterday, I couldn’t help but think back to the day we learned of Elvis’s death…. Another fallen icon of the music that has made our world go ‘round, each in their own era that has now evolved into history…… From Elvis’s “shake”, to Michael’s “moon walk”, and melody’s like “Billy Jean” and “All Shook Up” rolling around in our minds, we are different, if not richer because of them.

Michael Jackson, as Elvis, both absolutely overflowing with talent, were souls born into a part of our lives and thus making our lives more complete. Each of them creating and changing the world of entertainment in ways that have molded what we conceive as enjoyment. Beyond their influence in music, their influence is also reflected in how so many of us view our world and conduct our lives.

I can’t help but think of their parents…both Michael and Elvis lent by God to common families for a short time to love and cherish before they had to give them up to the world… They were given an enormous task, so if mistakes were made they are totally understandable.

And the world did change their children. For sure, their lives were not their own. They gained great wealth and notoriety and enjoyed self indulgence, but they also suffered great physical and mental pain for the largest percentage of their lives. All of it as their parents stood helplessly by, unable to control the world’s intrusion and their children’s own self-destruction.

I have the distinct privilege of being one who loved Elvis before Pricilla did. I left behind my childhood with Elvis’s music, and the reality of an unkind world as I mourned his death, just as those whose introduction to life came in their teens with Michael. It’s sad, but many of you just learned another hard lesson, that of how fleeting life really is.

My prayers go out to Michael’s family, and especially his parents who had no choice but to stand by and watch God’s plan come full circle once again. It is being repeated over and over again in their minds at this moment that "it wasn't supposed to be this way".

Mrs. & Mrs. Presley, and Mr. & Mrs. Jackson started out as just regular Mommy’s and Daddy’s like millions of others, only to learn a different view of sharing than most of the rest of us have. Thank you for that, we all grew from your sacrifice.

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