The Search

Of everything
There is so much more than a name
There is so much more than an age
There is so much more than what you see
There is so much more beyond me

Monday, June 8, 2009

Return to Me

Where did she go …….that one that used to be me.  

The girl with no fears

The curious, fun one who touched everything.

The healthy, strong one with energy.

Where did she go…….that one they called sunshine

The one who always had a smile

The one who loved to be with others

The one who never rushed time.

Where did she go…….


It’s about time I updated this blog don’t ya think?   I have learned that even a major illness cannot stop the automated response to life, doing what is expected of you, doing the things that come natural to your being., and doing what seems normal in order to be you.   Others expect it of me, and I expect it of myself……..   The largest part of life, that of learning to be me all over again.  I think one begins by doing what one has always done.

April and early May brought the realization that I would be hosting a big party to celebrate my two granddaughter’s high school graduations, just like I did two years ago for my other graduate grandkids.   There were so many details to take care of, I knew I had to get started soon.   Being able to think straight, finding the energy, having the enthusiasm to make it perfect.   None of them easy to come by, but something told me I must.


And I did it……a successful open house with decorations, the right food, special touches, our yard and home full of happy people wanting to celebrate a phase of life with a day of joy.   Those joys made possible by my efforts, and my love of entertaining.   Instincts led me through it.  At any cost……. I did it and I loved it and I got through it and I completed the expectations of myself and if only for a day, I was normal once again.   Now it is June and I am ready to start searching for other ways to be me.  There is so much more and so many more ways.......


Heather said...

so glad to see you blogging again!

el poquito said...

she stirs ---
she rises ---

nice to see


ps: dang! that's beautiful! Y'all certainly are leaving a patch of earth more beautiful after passing through your hands! You and Jim should be pleased.

mountainbeliever said...

Beautifully put words!